Tips, Trik, International Scholarship Recource

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Sekilas Top-Beasiswa

Tips, Trik, Mencari Beasiswa, Dalam Negeri, Luar Negeri, Top Scholarship, Unggulan, DEPAG, PETRONAS, DIKNAS, SMA, Universitas dan beberapa cara daftar Beasiswa di Indonesia dan Luar Negeri. Beasiswa Unggulan Indonesia S1, S2 dan S3 serta lulusan SMA silahkan download di sini serta Tips dan trik mendapatkan scholarship Luar negeri

Tips-Trik Beasiswa

Keberhasilan seseorang dalam mendapatkan beasiswa buakan ditentukan oleh IQ atau kecerdasan seseorang tapi 99% ditentukan oleh seberapa sering dan giat dia untuk mencari informasi mengenai beasiswa. 95% Orang yang meraih Beasiswa mencari dan mendapatkan Beasiswa lewat internet. Admin

P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship

P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS) Fund was established in 1949 to provide scholarships for international women students to pursue graduate study in the United States and Canada.

Members of P.E.O. believe that education is fundamental to world peace and understanding.
An applicant must be qualified for admission to full-time graduate study, working toward a graduate degree in a college or university in the United States or Canada.
A student holding citizenship or permanent residency of the United States or Canada is ineligible.
Scholarships are not given for research, internships, practical training, or travel.
In order to qualify for her first scholarship, an applicant must have a full year of coursework remaining and be
enrolled on campus for the entire school year.
Doctoral students who have completed coursework and are working on dissertations only are not eligible as first-time applicants.
The maximum amount awarded to a student is $10,000. Lesser amounts may be awarded according to individual needs.
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship awards are not intended to cover all academic or personal expenses. At the time of application, the applicant is required to confirm additional financial resources adequate to meet her estimated expenses.
Examples of additional resources are personal and family funds, tuition waivers, work scholarships, teaching
assistantships, study grants and other scholarships.
P.E.O. Executive Office
3700 G r a n d A v e n u e
DES MOINES, Iowa 50312.2899
P h o n e : 515.255.3153
F a x : 515.255.3820
Eligibility must be established before application material is sent to applicants. The eligibility material may be requested at any time or downloaded from our website: The completed eligibility material will be accepted only between August 15 and December 15.
The deadline for returning application and all related material, except applicant’s confirmation of admission from university and income verification, is January 31.
A copy of the applicant’s confirmation of admission, specifying the graduate degree program, and income verification must be received by the International Peace Scholarship Fund, P.E.O.
Executive Office by April 1.
Information concerning the International Peace Scholarship program is available from the P.E.O. Executive Office or from the website at Application material will be sent only if satisfactory information establishing eligibility has been received from the applicant.
IPS Eligibility Form
Note:This is a two-part form. Please be sure you have read and completed both pages before submitting.
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IPS Calendar for 2009–2010
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