Tips, Trik, International Scholarship Recource

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Sekilas Top-Beasiswa

Tips, Trik, Mencari Beasiswa, Dalam Negeri, Luar Negeri, Top Scholarship, Unggulan, DEPAG, PETRONAS, DIKNAS, SMA, Universitas dan beberapa cara daftar Beasiswa di Indonesia dan Luar Negeri. Beasiswa Unggulan Indonesia S1, S2 dan S3 serta lulusan SMA silahkan download di sini serta Tips dan trik mendapatkan scholarship Luar negeri

Tips-Trik Beasiswa

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Beasiswa CIMB Niaga Universitas di Malaysia

As business entities responsible for the advancement of education

in Indonesia, Bank CIMB Niaga and CIMB Group give Indonesian high-school students the opportunity to get scholarships for studying in Malaysia for a bachelor`s degree in:

  1. Micro Financing
  2. Economics & Administration
  3. Business & Accountancy
  4. Syariah Banking
  5. Computer Science & Information Technology

The scholarship program will cover the following fees/costs:

  1. Screening (TOEFL, psychological,etc) tests
  2. University enrolment
  3. Tuition
  4. Living allowance
  5. Health insurance
  6. Course books/materials
  7. Personal computer
  8. Final-year research
  9. Passport and exit permit applications at teh Immigration Office and Malaysian Embassy

Scholarship program requirements:

  1. Candidates should be Indonesian citizens
  2. Average grades should be higher than 8.00 for both the National and Local (School) Examinations
  3. Candidates are not participating in any other scholarship
  4. Candidates should submit:
    - Completed application form
    - National Examination and Local (School) Examination results (or legalized copies of school reports for the 5 last semesters)
    - Letter of reference from the candidate`s school
    - Color 3×4 photographs (2)

Registration procedure:
Interested students should fill in an application form and send it together with all required documents no later than 28 February 2009 to:

Bank CIMB Niaga, for the attention of Aan Haerani, Organization & Strategic Development Group (OSDG)-HR Development at Griya Niaga I, 3rd Floor, Jl. Wahid Hasyim Blok BIV No. 3, Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7, Tangerang,
or via email to:

Bank CIMB Niaga will only consider applications that meet the program requirements, and will not return documents submitted by applicants. Scholarship recipients will be determined by Bank CIMB Niaga and CIMB Group, and the decision will be final. Banki CIMB Niaga will post the names of succesful candidates on the bank`s website no later than 31 July 2009.

Universities and courses are to be determined by Bank CIMB Niaga.

Application deadline is 28 February 2009.

Apply now for CIMB Niaga Scholarship:

Further information or application forms are available from Bank CIMB Niaga`s website at or CIMB Niaga Head Office.


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